Positive Places for council tenants
Last updated: 7 February 2025
Next review: 7 February 2026
We are investing £1million into our Positive Places programme. The funding will be divided over five years, making £200k available for resident led improvement works to the environment in and around our housing estates each year.
About 'Positive Places’
We aim to improve how our residents feel about their communities and Positive Places is just one part of our vision to build pride within the community.
We will work in partnership with residents to create Positive Places, improving the look and feel of the housing estates to ensure they are communities residents want to live in and enjoy.
In June 2021, to celebrate the launch of our Positive Places programme, the Council hosted an event on the first project newly refurbished Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) on Stocksfield Road.
Stocksfield MUGA

Got an idea for our Positive Places programme?
If you would like to see some investment in your area, for example, a new community garden, a MUGA, improved facilities for young people and families, we would like to hear from you!
Our submission windows open in February, June and October, please email Positiveplaces@walthamforest.gov.uk including the name of your estate and idea.
Please note we will be involving and consulting residents and Councillors on all Positive Place improvements to ensure Waltham Forest residents have a clear voice in how we make the community a ‘Positive Place’.