Voice and Influence Service

We give children, young people and young adults opportunities to have their voice heard, and us it to shape decisions that affect them.

Care Leaver's Offer

A guide to the services on offer to young people aged 16 to 24 who are leaving our care.

Young people

Early Help: Support for young people, youth offending service, grants for students and all young people pages

Youth services directory

The youth services directory features services in Waltham Forest for children and young people aged 8 to 25 including our Space4All youth programme. 

Information for professionals

Information for professionals and those working with children, young people, and families. To support them in their role to safeguard children.

Post 16 choices

We want all of you to move into training, further education or a job that enables you to follow your interests and passions and develop skills that will help you progress.

Post 18 choices

There are many options to suit every learning style, it is up to you to decide which destination is the right choice for you at Post 18.

Family Help Lead for Schools

The Family Help Lead for Schools is a new team, previously known as Early Help Coordinators. There is a Family Help Lead based in each of the four family hubs in Waltham Forest.