Births Find out how to register a birth, a still-birth, and re-register or change the name of a child. Marriages and civil partnerships Give notice, browse wedding venues and fees, get a venue licence for marriages, and more. Deaths How to register a death, make funeral arrangements, cope with bereavement, cemeteries and burial grounds, and more. Order copies of certificates or make a correction Order certificate copies of births, deaths, and marriages and civil partnerships that took place in Waltham Forest. Make corrections to records. The Register Office See our range of registry services at our locations. Citizenship Ceremonies Home Office deals with all applications for British Citizenship.
Births Find out how to register a birth, a still-birth, and re-register or change the name of a child.
Marriages and civil partnerships Give notice, browse wedding venues and fees, get a venue licence for marriages, and more.
Deaths How to register a death, make funeral arrangements, cope with bereavement, cemeteries and burial grounds, and more.
Order copies of certificates or make a correction Order certificate copies of births, deaths, and marriages and civil partnerships that took place in Waltham Forest. Make corrections to records.