Last updated: 13 September 2024

Next review: 13 September 2025

Under the national legislation and regulations there are a number of ‘full’ exemptions to the licensing scheme.

Property licensing schemes in Waltham Forest follow these national exemptions.

Full exemptions 

Exemptions from the Council’s selective licensing scheme, which operates in all wards except Hatch Lane and Endlebury, are detailed in the approved selective licensing designation.

Exemptions from the mandatory HMO licensing scheme are set out in schedule 14 of the Housing Act 2004 and associated regulations.

Exemptions from the Council’s additional licensing scheme are detailed in the approved additional licensing designation.

If you are unsure if your property is exempt, or requires a temporary exemption notice, please contact us for further information on:

Alternatively, you may wish to seek independent legal advice.

Temporary exemption notice (TEN)

You may be eligible for a three month temporary exemption in the following circumstances:

  • the property is in the process of being sold
  • the owner has given the tenants notice and the property will be sold
  • the owner of the property is moving into the property
  • the property is in the process of being converted into a commercial premise
  • if a licence holder has died the licence is terminated and a temporary exemption notice may be issued.

Apply for a temporary exemption notice (TEN)

The Council will consider TEN applications on a case by case basis and will communicate their decision to the applicant in writing.

A subsequent TEN application may be made to the Council on the expiry of a granted TEN, and the Council may grant this in exceptional circumstances.