Mandatory HMO licensing

Last updated: 17 May 2024

Next review: 17 May 2025

Does your property have five or more unrelated people, who form two or more households and share amenities like kitchens and bathrooms?  If so, you need a mandatory HMO licence. There are some exemptions.

Find out more about households

The standard fee for a mandatory HMO licence is:

  • £1,500 for an HMO with up to 8 units
  • £2,000 for an HMO with 9 to 19 units
  • £5,000 for an HMO with 20 units plus

We will take application fees in two payments

  • Part A of 50% upon licence application
  • Part B of 50% if we decide to grant a licence

Examples of mandatory HMOs include:

  • a house let as individual bedsitting rooms
  • a group of rooms on each floor let to single occupants
  • hostels, some hotels, guesthouses
  • lodgings, and shared houses

This includes both adults and any children who live at the address.

There are strict rules on the property standards of mandatory HMOs. If you fail to comply with these, we may take enforcement action. See our Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy for more detail.