Report fly-tipping
Last updated: 27 November 2024
Next review: 27 November 2025
We take fly tipping very seriously. If you see someone dumping rubbish on public land, or if you see rubbish, please report it to us.
We will:
- aim to clear it within 24 hours of when you reported it (hazardous waste clearance may take longer)
- investigate who left it, with a view to taking action against them
What is fly-tipping?
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. This includes items such as:
- black rubbish sacks left on the street on non-collection days
- mattresses
- tyres
- sofas
- 'white goods' (such as fridges and washing machines)
- carpet
- commercial waste such as builder's waste
Prosecuting fly-tippers
We can issue fly-tippers with a fixed penalty notice of £500 if paid with in 2 weeks of being issued or £750 if paid after the 2 weeks.
Alternatively, we can prosecute. If convicted, the person can be issued with unlimited fines and a custodial sentence of up to 3 years.
How to get rid of your rubbish
There's lots of free places to get rid of too much rubbish or rubbish that's too big for your bin.
- households can have large items of waste collected for free
- you can drop it in a local waste and recycling centre
- arrange a hazardous waste collection for asbestos
Fly tipping on private land
If the rubbish is on private land, it's the responsibility of the owner or occupier to have it cleared.
If they don't do this, then we can serve them with a legal notice to ensure it happens.