Last updated: 23 January 2025

Next review: 19 August 2025

Fraudulent website offering Freedom Passes

Please be aware that there is a fraudulent website offering Freedom Passes - This website is fraudulent and should not be used to apply for a Freedom Pass. Only Council's can process and approve Freedom Passes, websites from other companies should not be used.

The Freedom Pass for disabled people gives free travel on:

  • most public transport in London 24 hours a day
  • most National Rail services within the London area after 9.30am and all day at weekends and on public holidays
  • local bus services in the rest of England

The Freedom Pass for disabled people is funded by the London Borough of Waltham Forest and managed by London Councils on our behalf.

Who can get a disabled persons Freedom Pass

You can apply for the disabled person's Freedom Pass if both of the following apply to you:

  • your sole or main residence is in the London Borough of Waltham Forest 


  • you have any of the statutory disabilities listed in the Transport Act 2000


The statutory disabilities which make someone eligible for a disabled persons Freedom Pass are:

  • are blind or partially sighted
  • are profoundly or severely deaf
  • are without speech
  • have a disability, or have suffered an injury, which has had a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to walk
  • don’t have arms, or have a long-term loss of the use of both arms
  • have a learning disability that is defined as 'a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning'
  • would have your application for a driving licence refused for reasons other than because of drug or alcohol misuse
  • qualify for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and score eight points or more on the 'moving around' activity list
  • qualify for the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
  • qualify for War Pensioners Mobility supplement

People living with a mental health conditions

A ‘London Only’ pass is also available for people with a mental health disability.

To qualify, you must be regularly attending a day service as part of your treatment. You must provide a supporting letter from your community psychiatric nurse or psychiatrist.


Carers of someone with a disability are not eligible for a Freedom Pass.

Other help with getting around

A Freedom Pass holder who finds it too difficult to travel without assistance using public transport may be eligible for the Taxicard scheme, which is also managed by London Councils.

This service provides subsidised trips in licensed taxis and private hire vehicles for people with serious mobility problems.

Freedom Pass for disabled people on the London Councils website.

Information needed to support your application

You’ll need the following to complete your application:

  • a passport-sized photograph
  • proof of your address, such as a current Council Tax bill, a tenancy agreement or a utility bill dated within the last three months
  • proof of your identity, such as a National Insurance card, medical card or passport
  • proof of benefits such as higher rate mobility of Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment or War Pensions Mobility supplement. 
  • medical evidence of your walking problems, this can include any documents related to your condition if you have them that include diagnosis, prognosis, medication or treatment
  • supporting letter if you’re applying for a London Only pass under the mental health criteria
  • your National Insurance number.

Mobility Team


Waltham Forest Council

Postal address only
Town Hall
Forest Road
Walthamstow  E17 4JF

Please note, we are unable to see personal callers.

Opening times

Lost, stolen, damaged or faulty passes

Visit the Freedom Pass website to find out what to do if your pass has been lost, stolen or damaged, or if your personal details have changed.

There is a £14 charge for replacing lost or damaged passes.

Contacting Freedom Pass

The Disabled Person's Freedom Pass is run by London Councils on behalf of all the London boroughs.

Contact Freedom Pass via their website.

Help with completing online forms

For those without computers, you can use a self-service PC in any Waltham Forest Library

Staff there can help you to log in and create a MyAccount.