Last updated: 9 October 2023
Next review: 9 October 2024
What we can help with
We have the power to serve notice on a person who commits an offence under the Highways Act 1980. In certain circumstances, we have the right to remove obstructions and recover reasonable costs incurred in doing so from the offender.
The Neighbourhoods Team will only investigate reports of overgrown vegetation should it be obstructing the public highway or be emanating from public maintainable highway/land. Overgrown vegetation from a neighbouring property is a civil matter for the affected resident to pursue.
Residents are not permitted to use bins or other objects to reserve space on the road. Persons found doing so may be liable to an offence.
Can I store materials or skips on the public highway
A license is required from us to store materials or deposit a skip on the public highway. Should you wish to apply for a material, scaffolding, hoarding, or skip license, please visit our Highway Licenses page.
Failure to secure a valid license may result in a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice being issued under the Highways Act 1980, or a maximum penalty of £1000 if convicted at Court.