
Last updated: 2 April 2024

Next review: 2 April 2025

A non-dependant is someone aged over 18 who:

  • lives with you
  • is not your partner
  • is not a child for whom you receive Child Benefit  

How non dependants affect your Housing Benefit
We must deduct a set amount from your benefit regardless of whether they help with your housing costs

Non dependant deductions from April 2024

Non dependant’s incomeAmount deducted
Aged 25 and over and getting income support and income based JSA. Or any age in receipt of main phase income related ESA, aged 18 or over, not in remunerative work£19.30
Getting state pension creditsNIL
Aged 18+ and in paid work: 
  • Gross weekly income less than £176
  • Gross weekly income: £176.00 to £255.99
  • Gross weekly income: £256.00 to £333.99
  • Gross weekly income: £334.00 to £444.99
  • Gross weekly income: £445.00 to £553.99
  • Gross weekly income: more than £554.00