Last updated: 4 October 2023
Next review: 4 October 2024
A supported internship is a study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 who want to move into employment and need extra support to do so. You will be offered a higher level of support than a trainee or an apprentice, you will have workplace support in the form of a job coach, as well as support for your non workplace learning.
Duration: Normally 12 months. It should last at least 6 months.
Start date: Some will start in September; others will be available all year round.
Assessment: Course dependent. You can take vocational qualifications and if required have numeracy and literacy support.
Where will I study: In the workplace with an employer. For pre-placement training and off the job learning a further education college, sixth form college, 16 to 19 academy or training provider.
Entry Requirements: Aged 16 to 24 with an Education and Health Care Plan. Have employment as your main focus, have had work experience at school or college, really want to work, be at the right stage in your learning and development to benefit from a supported internship.
Leads to: Work, traineeship, apprenticeship
Find out more: Visit our employment support.
How to apply: Speak to careers advisers at school or college, or your SEND officer.