Last updated: 12 September 2024

Next review: 12 September 2025

New Local Plan Preparation: Previous Stages


During consultation on the draft Local Plan Part 1 public consultation in summer 2019, many people asked for more detail about what could be built where.

The Council has therefore produced a draft Site Allocations development plan document (DPD) that, when adopted, will become Part 2 of the Council’s Local Plan.

The draft Site Allocations document sets out the sites across the borough where development might happen. It assesses how this land could best be used to meet the needs of local people: how much housing, retail, workspace, leisure, community facilities, social infrastructure, public open space and other essential facilities could be built on the site while still respecting each neighbourhood’s character.

No existing amenities on a site (eg supermarkets, leisure centres) would be lost, rather they would be enhanced, expanded or improved.

A site would only be developed if a landowner wished to redevelop it.

Any proposals to develop a site would still need to apply for planning permission and achieve a high quality of design.

Recommendations in the document are based on a number of evidence bases.

Public consultation carried out during autumn 2020 sought to find out from local residents and stakeholders what might be appropriate uses on these sites, and whether there are any other sites in the borough that could accommodate the anticipated growth.

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Read the Document

Printed copies of the draft local Plan Part2: Site Allocations are available in local libraries

Consultation for Site Allocation SA64: Larkswood Leisure Centre, Nursery and land to rear of Larkswood Leisure Centre

We want you to have your say on a vision for Site Allocation 64 - Larkswood Leisure Centre, Nursery and land to rear of Larkswood Leisure Centre

Join us for a virtual public consultation via Zoom

We would like to present the architect’s work to local people and explain the opportunities that there will be for you to provide further feedback as part of the next round of Local Plan Part 2.

  • When: Thursday 22nd July 6pm to 7pm
  • Where: Zoom, sign up for details

Sign up on Eventbrite