Last updated: 23 January 2025

Next review: 23 January 2026

You must include all the necessary information with your planning application. 

Every application we receive goes through a validation process to check that you've provided all the required information. If you fail to do this, we can't pass your application to a case officer for assessment.

We prioritise valid applications and aim to validate these within five days of receipt, or ten days for major applications. 

If your application is invalid, we will write to you explaining why within 10 days. You then have 21 days to make your application valid. After that, it will be closed, and your application fee will be returned to you minus £22 administration charge.

An extension may be possible if you speak to our fast track and delivery team. Their contact details will be in our letter to you.  

If you don't hear from us about your application within two weeks, call our Validation Telephone Assistance Line on 020 8496 3000.

Planning application validation requirements

The purpose of the local validation list is to:

  • provide guidance on the level and type of information to submit with a planning application
  • list validation item requirements that fit the nature and scale of the proposal
  • ensure we comply with current best practice advice
  • ensure validation requirements are supported by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), our adopted development plan, and other relevant legislation

The government provides guidance on a valid application (Gov.UK).