Families and Homes Hub cgi


The site of the former Wood Street library, on the corner of Wood Street and Forest Road, is being developed into a service centre for the local community, along with much-needed homes for Waltham Forest residents.

The new, replacement library was formally opened on Thursday 13 August 2020, 500 metres from the former site as part of the Marlowe Road redevelopment, and offers community meeting spaces, digital access for the public, and a café with profits invested back into the library. The new library is fit for purpose and offers a more cost-efficient and modern way to deliver vital library services to the community.

In January 2019, a consultation took place regarding the former Wood Street library as an asset of public value, and no community bids were received.

The site is part of the Forest Road growth corridor identified in the draft local plan.

The planning application for the Families and Homes Hub redevelopment was approved by Planning Committee on Tuesday 29 June 2020.

The plans were approved by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Section 106 planning conditions were agreed on 1 October 2021.

Hill Partnerships Ltd were appointed to deliver the scheme in December 2021. Construction started on site in February 2022.

The delivery of the new homes is expected to complete in summer 2024, and the Families and Homes Hub will complete late 2024 / early 2025.

Public information events

An online public consultation about proposals for the Families and Homes Hub was held on Tuesday 29 September 2020.

An online public information event was held on Tuesday 8 December 2020, showing how designs for the Hub had developed and considered feedback received so far.

Find out more about the architectural details of the development by visiting the Haworth Tompkins website.

What is planned?

The development will include a ground floor `Families and Homes Hub'  for the community, a small commercial space, and 67 new homes. 

The hub will give Waltham Forest residents access to our Families and Homes teams in a safe and welcoming environment. It will help us better engage with our residents most in need of those services, in line with our commitment to building better services and putting Waltham Forest residents at the heart of everything we do.

The scheme will provide:

  • 750 sqm Families and Homes Hub - services that will be provided will include housing solutions advice, some Youth Offending Services (YOS) appointments and social care appointments and will be a joined-up Council service offer for local residents
  • 50 sqm commercial floor space, which could be used as a small shop or café and would provide an active frontage on the corner of the site
  • 67 new homes for local people, all of which are affordable homes, with 29 for social rent and 38 for shared ownership
  • A residents’ garden
  • 4 accessible parking spaces
  • Cycle parking

The design of the building is of a high quality and will create a landmark on the junction of Wood Street and Forest Road. The Families and Homes Hub will bring together services currently operating from Willow House, Cedar Wood House and Rowan House. Allowing residents to access services from one location. Moving them into one building will make it more convenient for residents and will mean a more efficient service from staff

Throughout the project, we will be working closely with local residents, businesses, community groups, and other stakeholders.

The new Families and Homes Hub

The hub will help people in a single modern, integrated and convenient setting. Our proposed design will include:

  • A self-check-in reception space and signposting to relevant services
  • A flexible pop-up space showing residents how Council services and programmes can help them
  • A meet and greet area
  • An assessment and interview area offering open and private spaces
  • Workspace for council officers


  • 5 December 2019: Cabinet approved a project delivery budget of up to £3 million. For details, see page 331 in the 5 December Cabinet report 
  • 10 August 2020: Hoarding artwork installed around the site
  • 13 August 2020: Opening of the new Wood Street Library at Marlowe Road
  • 29 September 2020: Start of public consultation
  • November 2020 to March 2021: Proposed demolition of the former Wood Street library building
  • October to December 2020: Public engagement
  • January 2021: Planning application submitted
  • June 2021: Planning application approved at committee
  • October 2021: Planning notice issued and S106 agreed
  • December 2021: Building contractor appointed
  • February 2022: Start of works
  • Summer 2024: Target date for completion of residential works
  • Late 2024/early 2025: Families and Homes Hub opens
Cllr Williams with the all-female Waltham Forest and Hill team delivering the project

On 7 June 2023, Waltham Forest celebrated a construction milestone with our construction partner Hill, by completing the frame and roof to the 11th floor of the Wood Street Families and Homes Hub building. 

Frequently asked questions

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