Last updated: 22 December 2023
Next review: 26 September 2024
If you want to apply for social rented housing in Waltham Forest, such as council and housing association tenancies, you must be on the housing register. This is also known as the housing waiting list.
The number of people who apply for social housing each year far exceeds the amount of housing available. As a result, most people applying will never be offered housing, and those that are will normally have to wait a very long time.
Anyone over the age of 18 who has been resident in the Borough of Waltham Forest for at least five years can apply to join the housing list.
If you have not lived in the borough for five years, you may also join the list if:
- you are a secure council tenant of Waltham Forest
- you have left the regular armed forces in the last five years
- you are living outside the borough in accommodation provided by the Council
- you are a council or housing association tenant who lives elsewhere but you work in Waltham Forest
This is a summary and there are other eligibility criteria and exceptions. The full rules are set out in our Housing Allocation Scheme.
If you believe one of these exceptions applies or you are unable to apply using the online form then please email us at