Extra care housing is a type of specialised housing that provides independence and choice to adults with complex care needs. This includes:

  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Stroke
  • Brain injury
  • Low to moderate mental health
  • Learning disability
  • Physical disability or other mobility problems.


There are groups of rented flats with access to 24 hour support and care onsite.

Facilities include:

  • the freedom of your own front door
  • social activities
  • peace of mind from knowing staff are available if needed
  • lifts serviced regularly
  • units accessible for standard wheelchair use
  • some units fully adapted for more independent users
  • access to fully adapted bathrooms and walk-in-showers within communal areas

Specialist adaptations can be requested. Referrals for these can be sent to our occupational therapists.

Some of the units are fully decorated with kitchen or laundry appliances. Residents are responsible for furnishing their flats.

All other providers have a no white goods policy. The units will have paint on the walls and working kitchen units. Residents who want to live in these schemes are responsible for decorating and furnishing their flats.


Some of our partners and housing association providers have their own team of carers who deliver the authorised package of care from social services. It's up to residents if they wish to receive care service from the onsite team.

Two of our schemes have a restaurant and kitchen where residents can enjoy their meals whilst sitting and socialising with other residents.

  • Carers normally provide assistance where required to support with preparing and serving meals
  • Domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry and shopping are the resident’s own responsibility

Most families assist with domestic tasks. However, this service can be included in the package of care for those without family or have family living far away. Hospital appointments are also within this arrangement.

Activities and support available on site

Our partners design and offer activities to suit your needs and help with stimulation and socialising:

  • All schemes have treatment rooms with regular hairdressers and specialist health professionals to help with onsite health checks
  • The Waltham Forest Dementia Team provides activity clubs within most of our schemes once or twice weekly
  • Services such as CREST visit residents interested in buying their activities service
  • Tai chi sessions are offered in some schemes
  • Residents can also be supported with assistive technology such as telecare


To be eligible you must be over 55 years of age and on Waltham Forest’s housing register.

All applicants must have their care needs assessed by social services and meet the current criteria. This is a minimum of 10 hours care a week for extra care housing. For example, this can be receiving daily visits from carers to assist with personal care and domestic tasks.

Extra care is not part of our choice based lettings. This means that applicants cannot bid for this service.

Find out more in the extra care housing brochure (PDF).

Apply by post

To apply for extra care housing please download and complete the below application forms:

Once all the forms are fully completed and signed please return to:


Development Manager

Extra Care Sheltered Housing
Town Hall
Walthamstow E17 4JF

Apply online

You can also register online by completing the Adult Social Care's online self assessment tool.

After registering online, or for more information, contact the Extra Care Housing Development Manager by calling 020 8496 6950.