Last updated: 2 November 2023
Next review: 2 November 2024
Parent governors
Parent governors are elected by the parents of pupils at the school.
They do not have to stand down if their child leaves the school during their term of office. If not enough parents stand for election, parent governors may be appointed by the governing board.
Local authority governors
All candidates are required to complete an application form. Completed forms will be passed to the portfolio lead for children and young people for approval.
If approved, your application will be sent to the nominated governing board for consideration and appointment.
Staff governors
The head teacher is a governor, with full voting rights. They can choose to opt out if they wish. Staff governors are elected by staff at the school and the total number of staff members on a governing board cannot exceed more than one third of the total places. Staff governors must be employed by the school at the time of election and will cease to be a governor should they leave their employment.
Co opted governors
Appointed by the governing body, they are people who, according to the governing body, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Associate members
Associate members are appointed by the governing body as a member of any committee established by the governing body, but who is not a governor.
Foundation governors
Foundation governors are a person who:
- is appointed as a governor by any person other than the local authority
- is appointed for the purpose of securing the character of the school including
- where the school has a particular religious character such religious character, is
- preserved and developed
- where the school has a foundation, is appointed for the purpose of securing that the school is conducted in line with the foundation’s governing documents
Partnership governor
Where the school has a religious character, a “partnership governor” means a person who is appointed for the purpose of securing that such religious character is preserved and developed.
In September 2012 new Reconstitution Regulations were released, these state that the total membership of the governing body of a maintained school must be no fewer than seven governors.
The governing body of a maintained school must include the following:
- at least two parent governors
- the head teacher (unless the head teacher resigns from the office of governor)
- one staff governor; and
- one local authority governor
The governing body may also appoint such a number of co-opted governors as they consider necessary.
The total number of co-opted governors who are also eligible to be elected as staff governors when counted with the staff governor and the head teacher, must not exceed one third of the total membership of the governing body.