The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) is an essential document supporting the Borough’s New Local Plan to ensure that development happens in the right places at the right time, in a coordinated way.
It uses a wide variety of data to set out:
- What infrastructure is required for the future?
- When will it be required?
- How much is it likely to cost?
- How will it be funded and who is responsible for providing it?
- Are there any identified funding gaps? If so, how are they likely to be overcome?
‘Infrastructure’ is the systems and services that the borough needs to support its residents and economy and ensure a good quality of life. This includes physical infrastructure such as transport, waste and energy supply, but also social facilities such as schools, healthcare and culture, and green and blue infrastructure such as sport pitches, playgrounds and our forest, river and reservoirs.
Because the Borough’s population and its needs are constantly changing, the Infrastructure Development Plan is a live document that will be revised annually as we receive new information, or when new technologies and solutions become available.