Last updated: 16 September 2024

Next review: 16 September 2025

Construction and building work can disturb people living, working and passing by a construction site. 

We expect developers and contractors to plan and carry out works in a way which minimises any negative impacts, as far as possible.

We may use our enforcement powers where unreasonable disturbance is caused by building activities.

Where planning permission is required for development, we may attach conditions and information to decision notices regarding construction matters.

Air pollution and dust from construction works

Dust from construction and demolition sites is a major source of particulate pollution in London. It can also cause a nuisance around development sites. We expect to see the highest level of controls in place to minimise dust emissions from construction sites. This is in line with the Mayor of London’s supplementary planning guidance, ‘The control of dust and emissions during construction and demolition’.

Working hours

Commercial construction works that lead to noise outside the development site boundary should only be done during the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm 
  • Saturday 8am to 1pm
  • Sundays and bank holidays: no works

There are certain exceptions where work may be carried out outside these hours, including:

  • Emergency utility works
  • Railway works necessitating track closures
  • Highway works on major traffic routes

You can do home DIY work at any reasonable time. However, you should consider any disturbance it may cause to your neighbours. 

Developers and contractors who are undertaking major works can apply to the Council for a Section 61 Consent.