Last updated: 16 January 2025

Next review: 16 January 2026

As a Council, we have made a wide range of financial support and advice available to those who need it.

The Household Support Fund can help support vulnerable households facing a rise in energy bills and the cost of living.

The Wellbeing Directory is a live, interactive map detailing over 150 Council and community services within Waltham Forest you can go for advice, support and free and family-friendly activities and events. You can use the directory to identify in-person services in your local area. 

The Community Living Rooms Network is a collection of free community and council venues across the borough that you can visit for free to socialise, enjoy warm food, and access important services. There are three types of Space: Community Living Rooms, Community Kitchens, and Libraries. Many spaces are continuing to offer free and low-cost activities into spring and summer. 

Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (LWA) is a discretionary support scheme made available by the council to help residents in severe financial hardship. The fund helps to support households who would otherwise struggle to buy food or pay for essential utility bills or meet other essential living costs.

Discretionary Housing Payments help you if you are finding it difficult to meet your housing costs. If you are eligible, read more about the eligibility criteria and apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment.

Housing Benefit  is a payment usually received through Universal Credit, to help you pay your rent. You can apply for Housing Benefits separately if you have reached state pension age. You can also apply separately if you live in supported, sheltered, or temporary housing. 

Council Tax Support  helps with paying your Council Tax bill if you are struggling. There is a government funded scheme for pension aged residents and a council funded scheme for working age residents.  

Universal Credit  a monthly payment that can help you with your living expenses and housing costs, including your rent.   

Waltham Forest Adult Learning Service is our direct provider of adult education and work-based training and is committed to engaging local people in lifelong learning.

As one of the borough's biggest employers we welcome applications from our Armed Forces community please visit our job page to view current vacancies.