Last updated: 12 October 2023
Next review: 12 October 2024
Adolescents safeguarding
Adolescence is a complicated time for both young people, care givers and those that work with them.
The Safeguarding Adolescents Practice Guide (PDF) will help you to better understand the vulnerabilities children are exposed to. We have also developed a resource to support and improve how you respond to children that you work with who are aged 10 to 18 years who experience risk or harm.
Watch our bitesize Adolescent Safeguarding video and guides to improve practice.
Safeguarding in settings
By settings we mean formal education, including early years as well as groups and services provided to children in the voluntary, community and faith sectors. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and this work is about supporting all settings to improve their safeguarding practice.
Our ambition is for all settings to have the right policies and procedures in place and to know and understand where they can seek specialist advice and support including training and resources, for their staff, volunteers and board members etc.