Last updated: 26 September 2024
Next review: 26 September 2025
Under Working Together 2023 (PDF), ‘Local Safeguarding Partners’ are required to oversee multi-agency child safeguarding arrangements across each borough. The Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children Board (WFSCB) is the body that carries out this statutory function in Waltham Forest. It is a partnership of statutory and voluntary sector partners as well as lay members and is chaired by an Independent Scrutineer. It has a range of roles scrutinising and challenging local safeguarding practice. WFSCB works with partners to support the effective collaboration of all services being delivered to children and young people up to the age of eighteen in Waltham Forest so that they are kept safe and well.
The Safeguarding Partnership Arrangements provides an overview of the safeguarding partnership arrangements in Waltham Forest, in line with statutory requirements for safeguarding children and adults.
Current priority areas for WFSCB are:
- Adolescents Safeguarding and Resilience (part of broader Violence and Exploitation)
- Safeguarding in Settings
- How to keep safe if you are a child or young person
- How to keep children safe as a parent, carer or resident
Safer sleeping resources
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) is in the top 4 causes of death after children that are born extremely prematurely or born with serious complex medical conditions or congenital anomalies.
The following resources are for professionals working with families and children to raise awareness around unsafe sleeping practices, as well as risk factors such as the use of alcohol, drugs, strong medication, and other social factors.
For more information about the Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children Board please contact: .