We are aware of the following scams happening across London.
Council tax refund scam via text message
We will never text you regarding a refund.
We will never ask you to confirm bank details in this way or ask you to share your personal information.
If a resident is due a refund, the Council would refund the money directly back to the bank account that payments had been made from or issue a cheque. Credits on an account are notified in writing by means of a credit bill.
Council tax refund scam by email
If you've received an email which appears to have come from HM Revenues and Customs, advising that you are due a council tax refund and asking you to click a link, please ignore it. It is a scam.
We will not ask for a fee in advance of issuing a rebate - any email, phone call or other form of contact where you are asked for a fee to release a Council Tax rebate is a scam.
Similarly, any emails from council.tax@council.tax.gov.uk requesting you to provide details to claim a refund, are also a scam.
Council tax 'band reduction' scam via phone call
If you receive a phone call from a company offering to reduce your council tax band for a fee, please do not pay, as it's a scam.
If you believe you have been the victim of a fraud or for further information regarding avoiding scams please contact Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 20 40 or by visiting the Action Fraud website.