Last updated: 10 January 2025

Next review: 10 January 2026

You may have to pay Council Tax if you're over 18 years old and own or rent your home.

To work out how much Council Tax you need to pay, first visit GOV.UK to find out which band your property is in.  

For further information please refer to the Council Tax guide for 2024 to 2025.

Council Tax bandValue of your home on
1 April 1991
Total Charge
for 2024 to 2025
LBWF ShareAdult Social Care preceptGLA Share
AUp to and including £40,00£1,449.15£970.88£164.00£314.27
B£40,001 to £52,000£1,690.67£1,132.70£191.33 £366.64
C£52,001 to £68,000£1,932.20£1,294.51£218.67£419.02
D£68,001 to £88,000£2,173.72£1,456.32£246.00£471.40
E£88,001 to £120,000£2,656.77£1,779.94£300.67£576.16
F£120,001 to £160,000£3,139.82£2,103.58£355.33£680.91
G£160,001 to £320,000£3,622.87£2,427.20£410.00£785.67
HMore than £320,000£4,347.44£2,912.64£492.00£942.80

These figures don’t take into account any discounts, benefits, or other reductions you may be entitled to.

Find out how to manage your Council Tax online.

Appealing your band

If you think your property band is wrong, you can Challenge your Council Tax band.

You may be able to get a refund if you have been in a higher band than you should have been.

Appealing your bill

You can appeal your Council Tax bill if:

  • you think you’re not responsible for paying the Council Tax
  • you’ve claimed a discount or exemption and this hasn’t been awarded or has been refused
  • you think any item on your bill (apart from Council Tax Support) has been worked out incorrectly
  • a claim for disability reduction hasn’t been granted
  • you have to pay a penalty
  • we have sent you a completion notice, and you don’t agree with the date on it

To appeal, please click on the link Appeal your bill and complete the Council Tax Appeal Form.

Disputing liability

If you think you are the wrong name on the Council Tax bill, please contact the Revenues and Benefits Service. Tell us why you think you’re not responsible for paying Council Tax, and send us any proof you have. We will look into the matter, and write to tell you of our decision.

Watch out for council tax scams

We are aware of the following scams happening across London.

Council tax refund scam via text message

We will never text you regarding a refund. 

We will never ask you to confirm bank details in this way or ask you to share your personal information. 

If a resident is due a refund, the Council would refund the money directly back to the bank account that payments had been made from or issue a cheque. Credits on an account are notified in writing by means of a credit bill. 

Council tax refund scam by email

If you've received an email which appears to have come from HM Revenues and Customs, advising that you are due a council tax refund and asking you to click a link, please ignore it. It is a scam.

We will not ask for a fee in advance of issuing a rebate - any email, phone call or other form of contact where you are asked for a fee to release a Council Tax rebate is a scam.

Similarly, any emails from requesting you to provide details to claim a refund, are also a scam.

Council tax 'band reduction' scam via phone call

If you receive a phone call from a company offering to reduce your council tax band for a fee, please do not pay, as it's a scam.

If you believe you have been the victim of a fraud or for further information regarding avoiding scams please contact Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 20 40 or by visiting the Action Fraud website.

Council Tax band challenge

This video explains what evidence taxpayers need to provide when making a Council Tax band challenge