Have your say on Waltham Forest's new planning guidance

There are some exciting changes planned for the borough over the next few years, and we want your views as we prepare planning guidance documents that inform planning decisions.
These new planning guidance documents will support the Waltham Forest Local Plan, which sets out a 15-year vision and framework for the future development of the borough.
The Local Plan shows how we can meet the need for new homes whilst also securing high quality exemplar design, protecting and enhancing the character of local areas, providing new and improved green spaces and public realm, responding to the Climate Emergency, improving air quality and significantly reducing flood risk, creating safer accessible spaces, maximising the number of local jobs and employment space, and delivering a whole range of community infrastructure.
We would like your views on proposed planning guidance for six different areas including:
- Exemplar Design, ensuring upcoming development is characterful, sustainable and of exemplar quality
- Green and Blue Spaces, protecting, enhancing, creating and connecting biodiverse outdoor spaces
- Retrofit and Residential, alterations advice for extending or altering your home, including making it more energy efficient
- Industrial Intensification, securing the future and quality of our industrial estates and making the best use of land for more jobs and activities
- Developer Contributions, clarifying how developers contribute to the cost of infrastructure and other public benefits as part of getting planning permission
- Leyton Mills, ensuring development that comes forward in and around Leyton Mills is coordinated, sustainable and high quality
How to have your say
Speak to us at a drop-in session, join us for one of our workshops, or fill in the surveys online.
The consultation is open from Monday 12 June to Sunday 6 August 2023.