Reductions (discounts, reliefs and exemptions)

Last updated: 29 December 2023

Next review: 4 December 2024

You may be able to get a reduction of your Business Rates if you:

  • are a small business
  • are a retail business
  • are a charity
  • own an empty property
  • are in financial hardship

GOV.UK guide to business rates reliefs

Keeping up to date with Reliefs available

Where new reliefs are introduced we will advertise their availability through our business newsletter, which also contains useful content to help sustain and grow your business.


Small Business Rates Relief

If you occupy a property with a rateable value of £15,000 or less you can apply for this relief.

To qualify your business must occupy either:

  • one property with a rateable value of £15,000 or less
  • one main property plus other properties, as long as those other properties have rateable values of less than £2,900

The total rateable value of all the occupied properties must be under £28,000. We’ll only apply the relief to the main property.

The amount of relief you receive will be 100% if your rateable value is £12,000 or less. If your rateable value is between £12,001 and £15,000 the relief will be applied on a sliding scale.

If your business takes on another property, which would otherwise mean the loss of small business rate relief, you’re still entitled to relief on the first property for 12 months from the date on which you occupied the new property.

Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief

The 2024/25 Retail, Hospitality and Leisure (RHL) scheme will be extended for a fifth year into 2024/25, retaining the existing scope and providing eligible properties with 75% relief, up to a cap of £110,000 per business

The 2023/24 Retail, Hospitality, and Leisure relief scheme applies to properties that are occupied and are wholly or mainly used:

  • As shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas, and live music venues
  • For assembly and leisure or
  • As hotels, guest and boarding premises, and self-catering accommodation.

Full details and an application form for Retail, Hospitality and Leisure relief

Mandatory Charitable Relief

If your charity occupies a property that’s mainly used for charitable purposes, you can claim 80% off your business rates bill. This is called mandatory rate relief.

To qualify for the relief, the organisation will normally have to be registered as a charity with the Charity Commission. However, some organisations that are exempt from registration qualify for mandatory rate relief. These include:

  • scout or guide groups
  • voluntary-aided schools
  • societies registered under the Friendly Societies Act

Empty Property Relief

You don’t have to pay Business Rates on empty buildings for three months. After then, full Business Rates usually apply. Some properties can get extended empty property relief. These include:

  • industrial premises (like warehouses): exempt for a further three months
  • listed buildings: until they’re reoccupied
  • buildings with a rateable value under £2,900: until they’re reoccupied

Get in touch to tell us when your property becomes vacant.

Discretionary Relief

There are four different types of discretionary relief covered by our policy and they are as follows:

  • General Discretionary Business Rate Relief: Up to 20% relief can be awarded to certain registered charities and registered sports clubs already in receipt of mandatory relief, and up to 100% relief to organisations that do not qualify for mandatory relief, but who meet the eligibility criteria stipulated.
  • Hardship Relief: Intended to support businesses recovering from a temporary crisis.
  • Section 44A Partially Occupied Property relief: where a business premises becomes partially unoccupied for a short period.

Our Discretionary Relief Policy and information as to how to apply for Discretionary Relief can be found on our Discretionary Rate Relief page

Business Rates enquiries line

Contact details


Revenue Services

London Borough of Waltham forest

PO Box 856


E17 9PN

Opening times

Monday: 9am to 1pm Tuesday: 9am to 1pm Wednesday: 9am to 1pm Thursday: 9am to 1pm Friday: 9am to 1pm