Freedom of Information data for Business Rates

Last updated: 17 September 2024

We publish information, where possible, to answer the most commonly asked Freedom of Information Act questions on Business Rates.

Below, you can download a list of limited and PLC companies in the borough which shows the following:

  • rateable value
  • actual charge
  • charitable reliefs
  • discretionary reliefs
  • empty exemptions
  • empty reliefs
  • mandatory reliefs
  • Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR)

The names of private individuals and sole traders are not included. This information is personal data and is exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The list is updated quarterly.

Credit balances

We don't give information on account credit balances. We consider that doing so would breach Section 31(1)(a) of the Act: Prevention or Detection of Crime. Please see the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) decision of 6 February 2017.

Section 31(1) (a) creates an exemption from the right to know if releasing information would, or be likely to, prejudice the prevention of crime. We believe that releasing that information would allow potential fraudsters to use it to identify business entities entitled to claim credits on their accounts. Once such a business had been identified, fraudsters could have several ways to try and get funds.

Valuation Office FAQs