Identifying children with SEND
Last updated: 12 February 2025
Next review: 12 February 2026
Birth to two years old
Health services will check your child’s health and development from birth to school age. Screening, tests, and checks form part of the healthy child programme.
Local health services will work with schools to make sure that your child’s needs are met when she or he starts nursery or school. The NHS pays for these services.
School-aged children
We train staff in early education and teachers in schools to identify SEND. If your child’s teacher thinks your child needs more help than the other children in the class, he or she will talk to you about it.
All early years settings and schools have a policy on identifying and supporting children with SEND. See the school's website to find out more.
Young people aged 16 and over still in education
If you are a young person over the age of 16 it is likely that you will have already had your needs identified and have a support plan. However, colleges do have learning support teams to identify students with additional needs and give them support.