Last updated: 17 July 2024
Next review: 26 September 2024
The Lea Bridge Area Framework has been published online
Visit our new website Let’s Talk Lea Bridge to learn more about the area framework and have your say on improvements to Markhouse Corner, one of the exciting local projects to come out of your feedback on the framework to date.
It is the best way to keep up to date with information and provide feedback on regeneration projects happening in the area. The website will offer more ways for local people to get involved in shaping the priorities set out in the Framework.
You can also learn more about the area framework below and find out how to contact us by scrolling to the end of this page.
What is the Lea Bridge Area Framework
The London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Draft Local Plan identifies Lea Bridge as a Strategic Location, where a significant increase in housing, local jobs and community infrastructure is expected over the next 15 years.
The aim of the Lea Bridge Area Framework is to help create a fairer and more equal 15-minute neighbourhood and realise local benefits of potential development and investment. This includes new play space and open space improvements, climate adaptation initiatives, health facilities, community spaces and social infrastructure.
The key aims of the framework are listed below:
- Developing a shared vision: More opportunities to engage with local communities about the future of the area
- Coordination of new development: better coordinated investment opportunities locally
- Prioritising and unlocking funding: to provide an evidence base for identifying and securing funding to support more equal investment in the local area
The Framework aligns with the Council’s emerging Local Plan and Site Allocations as well as wider Economic Recovery work responding to the impact of Covid-19, the Council’s ongoing preparation of an action plan to address the recommendations of the Climate Emergency Commission, and the Council’s “Public Service Strategy” with its four key themes:
- Connecting People with Jobs
- Safe and Healthy Lives
- Our 15-Minute Neighbourhood
- Confidence in Our Future
Based on the feedback we received through a series of engagement activities, we have developed six guiding principles that help to summarise the key priorities for the area. Your feedback has also helped us to identify a range of potential projects to help deliver some of these priorities.
Read the Lea Bridge Area Framework
View the Lea Bridge area framework document (PDF)
Supporting documents
The framework has been informed by both, a baseline study of the area and a series of public engagement events, where we asked local people for their feedback and opinions.
We ran two phases of public engagement on the framework. The feedback from each phase has been continually reviewed and used to refine the framework as it has progressed. A more detailed analysis of engagement responses is included in the supporting public engagement summary documents:
View the Lea Bridge area framework baseline study (PDF)
View the phase 1 engagement boards (PDF)
View the Lea Bridge area framework phase 1 public engagement summary (PDF)
View the phase 2 engagement boards (PDF)
View the Lea Bridge area framework phase 2 public engagement summary (PDF)