If your proposal is complex, it might be an idea to enter into a planning performance agreement (PPA) with us.
We receive various major development schemes that are often complex, due to issues like design, height, and density. This is particularly if the proposal is in, or near, an area of special character. There are often hard discussions around the viability of such schemes.
A PPA sets out a timetable for progressing a major planning application.
To ensure that the proposals are of the highest quality, we’ll work with you right from the start to final planning decisions.
We’ll set a clear timetable of meetings between specialist officers and consultants to help overcome any issues with the planning process. This can help to speed things up and minimise risks.
Please note, a PPA doesn't prejudice the outcome of a planning application or guarantee planning permission.
If we think this service might benefit you, we will mention it during your pre-application meeting.