If flooding is on a road or pavement
Although we accept that some road gullies (drainage systems) may be blocked and need our attention, in many cases, especially during storm events, it is found that the public sewers are unable to drain large amounts of water generated by the storm.
If you notice that the roadside drains (gullies) are covered with leaves, litter or detritus you can report a cleansing issue. Often just raking or sweeping any leaves off the gully cover can prevent the pooling of water or flooding on the road or pavement.
The highway drainage systems (gullies) are not designed to cope with heavy storms, so ‘flooding’ of the highway is expected during a storm event, but this will go down over time.
If you would like to report flooding on a road or pavement to us, please complete the appropriate form using the link at the top of this page.
We recommended that you and any neighbours who have been similarly affected by flooding, contact Thames Water (by calling 0800 316 98000 - 24 hour service) advising them of the situation. You should provide them with as much detail as possible, supplying date(s) and details of how you were flooded and ask them to make sure that these incidents are logged onto their “flooding history database” as this will contribute to the possibility of an improvement in the sewer system.