Where to get air pollution data and information

Last updated: 29 November 2024

Next review: 29 November 2025

Real-time air pollution information

You can get data from Waltham Forest’s three automatic air pollution monitoring sites on the Air Quality England website

You can also get data from air pollution monitoring sites across London. View the London air quality map website.

Air pollution forecast

Find out what air pollution levels are likely to be like over the next few days on the UK Air Defra website.


airTEXT is a unique air quality information service. It's for people who live or work in London and are particularly affected by poor air pollution levels.

airTEXT is designed to alert you when air pollution levels are raised. You can then take precautions to help reduce the likelihood of any impacts.

When air pollution is predicted to exceed moderate levels you will receive an SMS message, a voice mail or an email to warn you that pollution may be elevated.

The messages will provide you with health advice. The action you can take depends on the level of pollution expected. This could include taking your inhaler or angina spray with you, taking extra doses if symptoms worsen, and avoiding strenuous outdoor activity on polluted days.

How do I register?

The service is free. Register on the airTEXT website, call 020 8760 5483, or text “AIRTEXT WALTHAM FOREST” to 78070.

Other useful air quality websites