Safe Streets, Safe Homes

Last updated: 2 December 2024

Next review: 2 December 2025

Taking action to end violence against women and girls

We want Waltham Forest to be part of a city and country where men and boys know that abuse and violence are unacceptable and where women and girls can expect to live in freedom and safety.  We will do this through an innovative new programme called ‘safe streets, safe Homes’.

This multistrand programme will ensure survivors receive the support they need at the earliest point and build a strong community response to preventing violence against women and girls.

This booklet (PDF) shows the work Waltham Forest Council is doing to tackle violence against women and girls.

Download the Support Services Directory leaflet: Contact the services in this leaflet for free and confidential support and advice.

Not on our streets: action against street harassment

Waltham Forest Safe Streets App is an easy way for residents to report incidents of street harassment in the borough. The app gives users the choice to; report anonymously for information only, access specialist support, report the incident for formal investigation by police or council. The app also provides a route through to the 24/7 Stop Hate UK helpline.

By using the app, you will help pinpoint areas where women and girls are being harassed by men so that the council can work with partners such as the police, to make our streets safe.

Waltham Forest Council is committed to doing everything in our power to build a borough where women and girls feel safe. We are launching this Street Harassment reporting app commissioned from Stop Hate UK, to pinpoint areas where women and girls are being harassed by men so that the council can work with partners such as the police, to make our streets safe.

The Safe Streets app is another step to help us tackle violence against women and girls and send a clear message that street harassment will not be tolerated in Waltham Forest.

VAWG Safe Neighbourhoods

We are partnering with community settings to make specialist support for people affected violence against women and girls more accessible. We are providing training to staff in a range of settings and businesses including libraries, gyms, Family Hubs and others to create safe disclosure spaces for survivors and perpetrators who want to access services; and awareness-raising in communities on how everyone in the borough can help to end violence against women and girls.

If you work in a community setting and would like to talk to our team about how we could support you to become a safe Neighbourhood setting please feel welcome to contact

Community Champions

We have launched a community-based programme to build a network of Violence Against Women and Girls Champions across the borough. Residents who are passionate about making all women and girls feel safe and welcome will be able to undertake formal training delivered by our specialist practitioners. The Champions will be vital sources of information in their communities, increasing access to support services for survivors and helping to challenge and respond to all forms of violence and abuse.

If you would like to join our VAWG community champions please send an email explaining why you want to join, your email and phone number to

Stand by Her

Community Inc’s Stand by Her is a unique program that shifts the focus; instead of putting the responsibility on women to keep themselves safe, it targets the root cause of the problem, men's harmful attitudes and behaviours. We want men to become allies to women and therefore part of the solution in addressing misogyny in our society. Stand by Her provides practical ways for men to respond to harmful behaviour and begin their allyship journey. It allows men to send a strong message and change the societal perception of what is and isn't acceptable. Stand by Her is delivered to residents and council staff by our partners Communities Inc

If you would like to register your interest in taking part in Stand by Her please email

Safe Schools

Violence Against Women and Girls Whole School Approach.

We firmly believe that young women and girls have the right to a community, home and education that is free from violence and abuse, which is why we are working with schools, colleges and education settings in the borough to ensure we are doing everything we can to prevent violence against women and girls.

Schools and colleges will be offered a range of programmes to disrupt and prevent sexual harassment, create safe spaces for students and empower young people to challenge misogyny and be active leaders in ending violence against women and girls.

The programmes include:

  • Violence against women and girls awareness raising sessions
  • A peer led bystander intervention programme
  • teacher training
  • Awareness raising sessions for parents
  • Policy support
  • And Specialist VAWG support

If you are a school or teacher and want to find out more or a young person who is interesting in being involved please contact