Last updated: 7 May 2024
Next review: 7 May 2025
A Path To Net Zero By 2030
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Climate change isn’t something that is happening somewhere else. It’s happening here. We see it with this summer’s heatwave and recent flooding, we see it in our energy bills and our air quality.
Waltham Forest is committed to reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2030. To achieve this bold target, we need to translate ambition into action. Our Climate Action Plan sets out 20 actions, across four areas, which we will take to make this happen.
This is a huge challenge, and one that will need disruption, but we need disruption that is fair. Therefore, in each of the four areas, we also highlight a key disruption which will tackle the Climate Emergency, whilst improving the lives of our residents most in need. But more than that, our climate plan will change the life of residents and the look of the borough for the better.
Energy Efficient Buildings: that ensure all residents can live comfortably and affordably
A Place for People not Cars: where residents can travel affordably, safely and easily using active travel, like walking and cycling, and sustainable mass transport, like bus and rail.
Consuming Less, Recycling More: where we produce less waste, use less plastic, and meet our needs in new collaborative ways through sharing, reusing and repairing.
A Greener, More Resilient Borough: that promotes nature, health and wellbeing and increases the resilience of communities to future heatwaves and floods.
As a Council we are also committed to Leading and Inspiring Collective Action. Across each theme, we will take action to reduce our emissions from our own operations. Most importantly, we commit to placing climate action at the heart of everything we buy and undergo a culture shift in our procurement.
But we will also need your help. This is a huge challenge, and one we can only do together. Our aim is for Waltham Forest be the UK’s leading borough for collective climate action.