2023 Adult Social Care residents’ group feedback

We asked: How can we improve communication

You said: You wanted to be kept up to date on which social workers you were working with.

We did: We introduced letters that are sent to you during your journey with Adult Social Care: one is sent at the start of your journey, introducing your named social work practitioner and their direct contact details; one is used if you’re moved to a different team and introduces your new practitioner; and the final one is sent when your journey comes to an end, and includes next steps. We have also translated these into some of the most used languages in the borough

We asked: How we can we help you better understand Adult Social Care?

You said: You wanted to know more about Adult Social Care journeys, including which teams are involved.

We did: We co-produced leaflets with you that provide details around eligibility, processes, and next steps in different areas of Adult Social Care. There are leaflets with more detail as well as Easy Read leaflets. We have also translated these into some of the most used languages in the borough.

2022 Intensive Dementia Outreach Service Annual Satisfaction Survey

We asked: How we could improve the service?

You said: This service is extremely valuable for people who are unable to leave their homes for any reason and it really helps families to support their loved ones. Perhaps there is scope to increase availability or employ more staff?

We did: During 2023 we implemented a service configuration that will increase the service capacity from that operating at the time when the survey was undertaken. 


2022 All-age Carers Strategy Review online consultation

We asked: What are some of the barriers that you face to accessing information, advice, and guidance?

You said: You told us that you were unaware of the support and services available and were unsure where to seek support from.

We did: Launched a single landing page on our website for All-Age Carers where further information about support and services can be found: Our Core Offer to Carers | London Borough of Waltham Forest.

Developed and launched an Unpaid Ault Carers Guide: LBWF Adult Carers Rights Guide

We asked: What have we missed or could have done better?

You said: Respite and social club should be available for all ages because adult carers also need a space that they can go to, to relax and be themselves again, have some fun and free time.

We did: Our commissioned partner, Carers First, provide opportunities for unpaid adult carers to engage both remotely and in person: Book onto a Group or Event in Waltham Forest | Carers First

We asked: What should some of the priorities be for the next 3 years of the strategy (2023 to 2026)?

You said: Training for colleges and staff, because we come from the school system where we have got some support and then we get to college level and tutors don’t always understand about young carers lives and the extra support that they will need to get through their courses whilst still caring.

We did: From September 2023, we will work closely with schools and colleges across Waltham Forest to ensure that they better understand the challenges faced by young carers and their families, and how to secure additional support for those who are identified.

From January 2023, schools are required to report on the number of young carers that are enrolled as part of the school census returns. Schools will record whether a pupil is a young carer, and who identified them as such. The change will provide a much better picture of their number and has the potential to significantly increase awareness, identification, and support.

We asked: What have we missed or could have done better?

You said: A weekly youth club instead of fortnightly because it is a long time to wait each month when you are a young carer every single day of every single week.

We did: We have launched ‘Spaces4All’ a new programme for 11 to 25 year olds that will provide access to youth clubs and facilities across the 4 neighbourhoods in Waltham Forest. More information on youth hubs can be found here:  Space4All opens up local hubs for young people in Waltham Forest | London Borough of Waltham Forest young carers and all young people are welcome and encouraged to use our Space4All programme and activities.

Markhouse Road, Quality Assurance questionnaire

We asked: What new activities do you think we should consider?

You said: Exercise, cooking, puzzles, a new programme for easy access, more physical activities training for day to day living.  More celebrations, going out and about, sewing and craft sessions, health, and wellbeing.  

We did: Our new programme includes: New exercise classes with a tutor. Complex needs exercise programme 3 times a week.  New cooking sessions throughout the week. New puzzles purchased.  Accessible pictorial programme. Gardening, cricket, boccia, armchair exercise, independent living skills sessions, money sense, personal care, health and wellbeing sessions. Valentine’s day celebration, cultural celebrations, Halloween party, learning disability awareness week, Achievements Day.  

2022 Care Home resident and relative feedback

We asked: How can we improve communication?

You said: Introduce a system whereby the care home could share information or inform the residents and relatives of any changes in the care home.

We did: We have introduced Newsletters to go to all relatives on a regular basis.