Last updated: 15 November 2023
Next review: 15 November 2024
Waltham Forest is a vibrant place and a thriving borough. Our people and wonderful communities make it what it is. At times though, throughout life, people and families need help.
'People at the Heart of Our Place' (PDF) is our commitment to delivering an improved, sustainable, and accessible offer of support for our residents, so everyone can be safe, well, resilient, as independent as possible, and connected to their communities.
Listening to our communities, understanding their experiences, and working together is the only way we can support the needs and aspirations of residents. We will continue to give people more influence over challenges they want to overcome and a greater say over decisions affecting their lives, aligning our priorities with theirs. Through co-creating meaningful solutions together, communities will have more power to shape the decisions and services that affect their lives.
We cannot realise our vision for Waltham Forest without tackling the inequalities and injustices that many residents face. Everyone who lives here must have an equal chance to thrive. There is a focus on tackling systemic inequality across everything we do, from practical steps to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, narrowing gaps in outcomes that start early in life and continue through education and into employment, to working with partners to improve health and address health inequalities.
With this strategy, and by working collaboratively with our communities and partners, we commit to putting people at the very heart of everything we do.
Councillor Grace Williams, Leader of Waltham Forest Council
Councillor Louise Mitchell, Cabinet Member for Adults
Councillor Naheed Asghar, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing
Councillor Kizzy Gardiner, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People