Identifying HSB
Last updated: 29 November 2024
Next review: 29 November 2025
Sexualised behaviour which is more advanced than you would normally expect for a child of a particular age or which shows a lack of inhibition, could be a cause for concern. For example, a pre-school child who talks about sex acts or uses adult language or a 12 year old who masturbates in public.
Other warning signs include:
- sexual interest in adults or children of very different ages to their own
- forceful or aggressive sexual behaviour
- compulsive habits
- reports from school that their behaviour is affecting their progress and achievement
Guidelines for schools
Schools should be aware of the AIM (Assessment Intervention Moving on) education guidance. Primary and secondary schools in Waltham Forest should use these guidelines when an incident has occurred. You can use the guidance to determine the level of concern and response needed to the behaviour.