For disablement relief the property must:
- be the only, or the main, residence of a qualifying person
- meet the needs of their disability
‘Qualifying person’ - means someone who is substantially and permanently disabled.
‘Required to meet the needs’ - means anything essential or very important for the qualifying person’s wellbeing because of their disability.
Property criteria
There must be either:
- a room (not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) which meets the needs of a qualifying person who lives at the property and is used predominantly by them
- an extra bathroom or extra kitchen which is required to meet the needs of a qualifying person who lives at the property
- enough floor space to use a wheelchair, if one is required to meet the needs of a qualifying person who lives at the property
Where there’s a specific room to meet the person’s needs (not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet), this room’s main purpose must be directly related to the person’s disability. Examples may include a room which:
- contains equipment such as a dialysis machine or braille equipment
- is used for therapy relating to their disability
A ground floor bedroom is unlikely to qualify if it functions only as a bedroom.