Last updated: 25 November 2024

Next review: 14 February 2025

Preventing Well

There is no certain way to prevent all types of dementia, however a healthy lifestyle can help reduce your risk of developing dementia when you're older.  This includes keeping active, eating healthily and exercising your mind.  To find out more about how you can reduce your risk of developing dementia please visit risk factors and prevention.

Diagnosing Well

Common early symptoms of dementia

Different types of dementia can affect people in different ways. Everyone will experience symptoms in their own way. Some common early symptoms may appear sometime before a diagnosis of dementia. These include:

  • memory loss
  • finding it difficult to concentrate
  • finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change when shopping
  • struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word
  • being confused about time and place
  • mood changes

These symptoms are often mild and may get worse only very gradually. It's often termed 'mild cognitive impairment' (MCI) as the symptoms are not severe enough to be diagnosed as dementia.

You might not notice these symptoms if you have them, and family and friends may not notice or take them seriously for some time. In some people, these symptoms will remain the same and not worsen. But some people with MCI will go on to develop dementia.

Dementia is not a natural part of ageing. This is why it's important to talk to a GP sooner rather than later if you're worried about memory problems or other symptoms.

Supporting Well

There are a number of services that can support people living with dementia in Waltham Forest.  Some of these are listed below.

Health and Social Care Assessment

A social care assessment describes how those living with dementia, and their carers, get help and support from their local authority's social services department.

The assessment is carried out by social services. They will find out what help and support you need. This may include healthcare, equipment, care services in your home, or a stay in a care home.

You can contact Adult Social Care online or by calling 0208 496 3000.

Waltham Forest Dementia Hub

The Dementia Hub is based in Leyton. It is a focal point for dementia support within the borough. The hub provides a variety of activities and information from a number of different organisations. The Hub can be contacted by email at or by phone on 020 8558 0647.

The Alzheimer’s Society

The Dementia A​dviser service in Waltham Forest is available to people who have received a diagnosis of dementia. You can also access this service if you are in the process of receiving a diagnosis.

Local Dementia Advisers provide support to understand key information around a diagnosis of dementia. They also offer guidance on what this may mean for the service user and family. Information can be requested which might be useful to carers, family members, and friends.

When more intensive, group or specialist support is needed, advisers will refer or direct to:

  • one-to-one dementia support
  • peer support
  • information and education services

You can also contact the Dementia Advisor service on diagnosis and when there are changes in your condition. They can also be contacted if you require support to navigate health and social care services, and on discharge from the hospital.

Monday to Fridays:

Telephone: 020 8556 8171

Dementia Support Line on 0333 150 3456 (out of hours):

Monday to Wednesday 9am to 8pm
Thursday and Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am to 4pm

The Alzheimer’s Society website has lots of information about supporting people living with dementia.

The Intensive Dementia Outreach Service

The Intensive Dementia Outreach Service supports people living with dementia and their carers to continue to remain within the community. 

This service is for people with a dementia diagnosis and has eligible needs under the Care Act 2014.  A social worker can refer you to the service.  Please note that there may be a charge for using the services, subject to financial assessment.

There are two different services available:

  • Group sessions are based at the Leyton Dementia Hub or at a different unit in Chingford. During these sessions, people will undertake a stimulating range of activities, including gardening, interactive Magic Table sessions, Oomph gentle exercise, quizzes, music, and games.
  • A home visit service where a member of staff will make regular visits to deliver support based on the person. They will focus on their skills and strengths through activities such as arts and crafts or helping to make a music playlist.

The service also provides advice, guidance, and information on other relevant services.

To find out more, please contact the Dementia Hub by email at or by phone on 0208 558 0647.

Living Well

The NHS has some useful information about living well with dementia on the NHS website. The Alzheimer’s Society website also has lots of useful information.

Dementia Strategy

The Waltham Forest Dementia Strategy 2021 – 2026 was approved by Cabinet on May 4 2021. It sets out the local priorities for working towards becoming a dementia friendly community.

Dementia Friendly Communities

Dementia Friendly Communities are where people living with dementia feel included and involved, and have choice and control over their day-to-day lives.

The work towards achieving this ambition is being led by the Waltham Forest Dementia Friendly Communities project. This is a group of people living with dementia. This includes carers, services, and local companies who are working together to develop the borough as a dementia friendly community.  To find out more and get involved please email or telephone 0208 558 0647.

Social media for people with dementia and their carers

Online forums are a great way to share your experiences as well as reading what others are going through. If there's a particular issue you are struggling with, the chances are that someone else has had the same experience.

Talking Point is the Alzheimer's Society's forum. It has people with dementia sharing their information and advice and supporting each other.

Carers can also turn to online communities on the Carers UK forum and the Carers Trust forum.

Dementia books on prescription

Reading Well Books on Prescription for dementia offers support for people diagnosed with dementia and their relatives and carers. GPs and other health professionals can recommend titles from a list of 25 books on dementia. The books are available for anyone to borrow for free from their local library.

This service is also available to people living without a formal diagnosis, who may be worrying about symptoms of dementia.

Read more about the Reading Well Books on Prescription for dementia titles.

Dying Well

It can be very difficult for you and your loved ones to think about end of life.  However, planning ahead, sometimes called advance care planning, is very important and can help you decide:

  • how you'd like to be cared for in the final months of your life
  • where you'd like to be cared for
  • who you'd like to be with you

Making plans can help let people know your wishes and feelings while you're still able to.  It can also help them if they ever have to make decisions about your care.

To find out more about planning for end of life please visit the NHS website.

Caring Well

Carers First

Carers First supports unpaid carers, aged 18 and over, in Waltham Forest. They provide online help and advice, as well as one-to-one practical and emotional support. To find out more you can telephone their helpline on 0300 303 1555 or email

The Carers First website has lots of information.