SEN transport and school closure during severe weather conditions
Last updated: 23 January 2025
Next review: 23 January 2026
In the event of snow, if your child is taken to school on a vehicle arranged by the local authority. Please note:
- If all roads are covered in snow there will be no school transport.
- If the main roads are cleared but the side roads are not cleared, it's unlikely that transport will be running.
- If all the roads are clear and transport is able to run please check that the schools are open:
- The Brookfield House website will have a message on their website to inform parents
- Joseph Clarke School ask that parents ring the school each morning on 020 8523 4833. Check the web page for updates with regard to the school closing
- Whitefield School will text message all parents if they have a mobile number or if not they will telephone parents
- William Morris School ask that parents ring the school 020 8503 2225
- If you take your own child to school or they use public transport please check that your school is open