Additional links and related information
Last updated: 5 December 2024
Next review: 5 December 2025
Generation girls UK: Autism and learning disability inclusive sex/relationship education for girls
Cerebra: A unique charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions. They do this through researching, educating, and directly supporting children and their carers. They also have a sleep service and a guide to sleep.
Contact: They have produced a booklet entitled ‘Helping Your Child Sleep’. A copy can be downloaded from their website.
Sense: A UK voluntary organisation for children and adults born with multi-sensory impairment. The website contains information about sleep difficulties.
ERIC: Provides information about bed wetting. Its online shop stocks items such as bed wetting alarms and bedding protection. ERIC runs a helpline between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday; call 0845 370 8008.
NAS: The National Autistic Society has a helpline that you can contact. If you would like to speak to somebody about your child’s sleep difficulties, you can call 0845 070 400.
The Sleep Charity: this charity provides advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better.
Healthwatch: the consumer champion for health and social care. Patients can feedback on any concerns they may have about health and social care services in the borough.