Budget statement

Local authorities are required to publish annually an education and children's social care budget statement.

This statement contains information about how much the Local Authority intends to spend on:

  • Schools budget
  • De-delegated items
  • High needs budget
  • Early years budget
  • Central provision within the schools budget
  • Children's and young people's services

Below are 3 types of tables:

  • Local Authority level information
  • School table high needs and alternative provision settings information
  • Early Years report

The budget statements available are:

2019 to 2020
Local authority table (Excel)
School table report (Excel)
Early years report (Excel)

2021 to 2022
Local authority table (Excel)
School table report (Excel)
Early years report (Excel)

Outturn statement

The Section 251 outturn statement provides actual income and spending information (as opposed to budgeted amount).

It is split into 2 categories:

  • Table A - Spending by schools and the local authority within the schools budget
  • Table A1 - Spending on children's and young people's services (including Sure Start Children's Centres, now called Family Hubs)

The outturn statements available are:

Table A - 2018-2019 (Excel)
Table A1 - 2018-2019 (Excel)

Table A - 2019-2020 (Excel)
Table A1 - 2019-2020 (Excel)

Table A - 2020-2021 (Excel)
Table A1 - 2020-2021 (Excel)