An image of a digital on-street ad, displayed on a digital screen

We are empowering residents to recycle more and contaminate less, with an aim to improve our recycling rates across the borough.

Currently, our recycling rate sits at 32%- which is mid table for London and is higher than all our neighbouring boroughs. We need our recycling rate to improve across all neighbourhoods of Waltham Forest, to make a real difference.

Are you interested in making positive change in your neighbourhood? Sign up to become a recycle right champion today. 

By putting items that cannot be recycled into your recycling bin, it causes contamination, which has a huge impact on our environment. 

Our top 10 contaminators are:

Item Rethink
Shoes Take to recycling centre or leave on top of your green bin
Textiles Take to recycling centre or leave on top of your green bin
Coat Hangers Take to charity shop for re-use
Electrical items Arrange a large item collection or place small items on top of your green bin
Wood Take to recycling centre
Food packaging containing food  Empty the container of food, wash and put in recycling bin
Food Waste Put into brown food and garden waste
Nappies  Put into black bin 
Packaged polystyrene Collect and take to Kings Road recycling centre in Chingford
Metal Take to recycling centre

You can recycle a huge amount of items such as wood, light bulbs and hangers at our three recycling centres. 

Rethink your recycling today. 

Become a recycle right champion