Last updated: 6 October 2023
Next review: 6 October 2024
What is planned
The approved application includes:
- 91 new homes for local people. 50 per cent of these being affordable homes, including three and four bedroom properties suitable for families
- 23 will be for social rent
- providing a pre school nursery with its own play area on a site close to Walthamstow Central Station. This will make it easy for commuters to use
- providing more green space, including a pocket park at the junction of First Avenue and Hoe Street
- improving the appearance of the area around the gyratory traffic system
- providing new commercial units facing Hoe Street which could provide space for local businesses and employment opportunities for residents
- providing cycle parking
The Council keeps ownership of the land when the development is completed.
The scheme will bring significant benefits to local residents and the wider environment, this will include:
- air source heat pumps and solar panels which will provide heating and hot water for the apartments and;
- cooling to the nursery and commercial elements
It is a car-free scheme, except for people with disabilities.
The scheme enhances the improvements to the gyratory system that's now completed. It will restore a key part of Walthamstow Town Centre by providing new commercial space on Hoe Street.
The finished building will be a quality design landmark. It will also provide new amenity space and a much-needed nursery.
Who is doing the work
Hill Partnerships Limited has been awarded the design and build contract for this project.
What happens when
- Monday 30 July 2018: The first consultation meeting took place. The vision for the site was shared and initial views from residents were received.
- Monday 22 October 2018: Follow-up consultation giving more details of the proposed scheme. This includes changes made following previous consultations with residents.
- Friday 21 December 2018: A planning application, reference number 183989 was validated and a further public consultation took place
- Tuesday 7 May 2019: Planning approval was given, subject to a Section 106 agreement. This included approval by the Mayor of London, for the scheme.
- Monday 8 July 2019: Proposed development was considered. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, agrees that planning decisions can be made by Waltham Forest Council.
- July/August 2019: Work starts on site preparing for demolition work.
- 1 November 2019: Demolition work begins.
- 20 December 2019: Demolition work scheduled to end.
- 6 January 2020: Piling work is due to start to provide foundations for the development.
- Spring 2020: Construction begins.
- February 2020: Piling began and was scheduled to take 10 weeks. This was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rubble crushing of demolished brick and concrete to make foundations of new development takes place. Network Rail cuts back trackside shrubs etc for safety reasons.
- Monday 11 May 2020: Work restarted on site with contractors following guidance from the government and the Construction Leadership Council.
- Tuesday 14 July 2020: Tower crane arrives and is assembled over three days.
- July to March 2020: steady construction works
- April to May 2021: Soft market testing of the main commercial units. Floor plans and marketing particulars on the Council’s website
- September 2021: Topping out ceremony.
- October 2021 to August 2023: Internal fit-out works, external brickwork, landscaping and services.
- September 2023: Completion of residential parts of the project, fitting out of commercial unit as University teaching hub in progress.
Hoe Street Pocket Park
On 6 March 2019, residents and businesses commented on initial outline ideas for the proposed Pocket Park. This is at the junction of Hoe Street and First Avenue, near Bru Café.
The design proposals took on board comments from residents. This included keeping the Plane trees fronting Hoe Street while making the area a pleasant route for cyclists and pedestrians. This also included a place where people could sit.
Work was due to start on Pocket Park at the junction of Hoe Street and First Avenue in February 2020.
Work was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restarted in late May 2020. The Pocket Park has now been completed and is open, with more planting to take place later on in 2022.
Further details and contact
Follow our Twitter Page
Contact Hugh Gravelle, Waltham Forest Senior Project Manager by emailing
Contact Dean Revell, Hill and Co Project Manager by emailing or calling 07966121241.