Coronation Square CGI of people sitting down and walking around in the public square with a fountain that has greenery and trees

CGI of the Coronation Square development

What's being delivered

The new Coronation Square development, on Council owned land, will provide 750 new homes contributing to the borough’s housing need, with 50 per cent of them affordable. The development will also see the existing sports centre and nursery operating from the Score Centre replaced with new, enhanced facilities. The scheme received final planning approval in December 2020 and works started on site in May 2021.

The development will also deliver: 

  • a new health hub
  • an enhanced pre-school nursery, doubling the capacity of the nursery in the existing Score Centre
  • an enhanced indoor sports and leisure centre with community facilities
  • an attractive public square called ‘Market Square’ with a fountain
  • new commercial space for shops and businesses including cafés and restaurants
  • a District Heating Network capable of serving 2,250 homes

Funding from the Coronation Square development was used to pay for the new facilities at the Feel Good Too Centre. The existing outdoor sports facilities and the food growing beds at Coronation Square have moved to the Feel Good Too Centre, which opened in October 2018.

Feel Good Too has two artificial pitches, a 60 metre running track, six beach volleyball courts (four of which are international standard), a fitness trail and a pavilion which includes the discovery Café and a community room.

Who is doing the work

We will be leading the redevelopment of the site alongside Taylor Wimpey, who the Council selected as its development partner on the project in 2018.


5 November 2020: enabling works started on site.

7 December 2020: The GLA confirms the Council’s Planning Authority can determine the planning application itself.

23 December 2020: The Section 106 agreement is signed and the Decision Notice confirming final planning permission is issued.

April/May 2021: Hoardings erected to make the site secure.

17 May 2021: Main construction works including piling started on site.

2026: Works scheduled for completion

The scheme will be delivered in two phases:

Phase One includes:

  • 429 new homes
  • The new health hub
  • The enhanced and increased size pre-school nursery
  • The enhanced sport, leisure and community facilities
  • The new public square called ‘Market Square’ with a fountain
  • New commercial units

Phase Two will include:

  • 321 new homes
  • A new publicly accessible courtyard

Public engagement

Taylor Wimpey held a drop-in session on Monday 9 September 2019 in the Community Room, The Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road, Leyton, E10 5JY, where residents were able to see the final plans before a planning application was submitted during November 2019. 

Taylor Wimpey hosted a drop-in session on Monday 3 June 2019, where residents were able to see how their comments from the public consultation had led to changes in the proposed development and made their views known on the new proposals.

Taylor Wimpey hosted a drop-in session on Monday 4 February 2019 in the Community Room, The Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road, Leyton, E10 5JY, where residents saw the initial ideas for the site and made their views known on the proposals.

The consultation continued online until Friday 29 March 2019.

A drop-in session was held on Monday 3 June 2019, 12.30pm to 8pm in the Community Room, The Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road, Leyton, E10 5JY.

Residents were able to see how their comments from the previous public consultation have led to changes in the proposed development and make their views known on the new proposals.

We held two engagement events regarding Market Square, in collaboration with Fourth Street, who are placemaking consultants commissioned to develop a strategy for activating Market Square. One was held on Zoom on Wednesday 9 March and one was held in Leyton Library on Wednesday 16 March, and we had many local residents and business owners have their say on what community and business uses they would like to see on Market Square.

Coronation Square CGI view of public square with fountain, trees, greenery and people.jpg

CGI of Market Square 

Commercial units at Coronation Square

Waltham Forest Council is responsible for the letting of the commercial space at Coronation Square. 

We are committed to creating a new, thriving neighbourhood in Leyton. We are currently going through a process to identify a leasing agent to ensure the commercial units are let in a timely manner with a good blend of uses to create a vibrant neighbourhood.

We have already had considerable interest from businesses in Walthamstow to take up the commercial spaces, ready to open from spring 2025, along with the new public square. Watch this space for more news coming soon.

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