Last updated: 4 September 2024
Next review: 4 September 2025

The site is near Highams Park Station and is currently a two-storey office development.
What is planned?
BECG is proposing:
- demolition of the existing buildings
- erection of a five to six storey residential-led, mixed use development comprising 68 residential dwellings
- flexible commercial spaces
- a community facility
- a new public train station entrance
- public realm improvements
- landscaping
- private and communal amenity spaces
- children's playspace
- waste and refuse facilities
- secure cycle storage facilities
- public cycle hub
- accessible car parking
- other associated works.
- April and May 2020: BECG holds virtual public engagement
- Monday 5 October 2020: Planning application, reference 203040, is validated and statutory consultation begins. See the details of the planning application and comment.
- Winter 2020/2021: Likely Planning Committee decision.