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Current Consultation

An informal consultation on the suite of six new SPDs is now completed. The consultation report can be found here: Priority SPDs Summer 2023 Public Consultation Report (PDF)  

The six new SPDs that were consulted on are; Exemplar Design SPD; Retrofit and Residential Extensions SPD; Green and Blue Spaces SPD; Industrial Intensification SPD; Developer Contributions SPD;  and Leyton Mills SPD.

The Council is now seeking your views as part of the statutory consultation for the Leyton Mills SPD. Please see the Lets Talk page for full details. 

Adopted SPDs

Leyton Mills SPD (2024) 

The Council adopted The Leyton Mills SPD on 9 July 2024 in coordination with the London Legacy Development Corporation LLDC. The Leyton Mills SPD sets out a vision and planning guidance for the delivery of the new Leyton Mills neighbourhood. Made up of three key development sites, the Leyton Mills neighbourhood represents a significant opportunity to guide planned, inclusive growth in the borough for the benefit of local people. The SPD will ensure that the sites are developed in a joined up way to achieve enhanced and new green and blue spaces that reduce flood risk and respond to the Climate Emergency, improved transport, connectivity and air quality, new jobs and cultural destinations and bring forward high quality sustainable and affordable homes.

Affordable Housing SPD (2018) 

The Council adopted the Affordable Housing and Viability SPD on 21 February 2018, which provides detailed guidance on affordable housing and viability. It also details how The Council take viability into account when considering planning applications and what supporting information applicants should produce.

Planning Obligations SPD (2017) 

The Council adopted the Planning Obligations SPD on 16 May 2017, replacing the 2014 Planning Obligations SPD. This SPD provides guidance for developers, applicants and landowners on planning obligations and Section 106 agreements. It sets out how these work alongside the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to ensure The Council secure the appropriate contributions needed to support local growth. 

Shop front design SPD (2016) 

This SPD provides clear practical advice for developers and retailers wanting to change the external appearance of a shop.

•    Shop front design SPD (PDF) 


Urban Design SPD (2010)

The urban design SPD focuses on our total surroundings and how we experience the 3D-built environment. It is aimed at larger development proposals, including housing schemes and other mixed-use development.

•    Urban design (PDF)

Residential extensions and alterations SPD (2010) 

This provides design advice to householders wanting to extend or make changes to their homes.

New Local Plan 1 

A new Local Plan (LP1) was adopted on 29 February 2024. The following SPDs have now been revoked: 

  • Norlington Road industrial site SPD 
  • South Grove / St James SPD 
  • Public Houses SPD 
  • Hot Food Takeaway SPD 
  • Inclusive Design SPD 

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Waltham Forest Council

Waltham Forest Town Hall 

Fellowship Square, Forest Road 


E17 4JF