Last updated: 3 December 2024

Next review: 30 April 2025

About the scheme

The Chingford Town Centre improvements scheme created key walking and cycling routes to make it easier for people to travel in the local area. The routes connect the Chingford Town Centre with other village schemes in Walthamstow, creating more enjoyable places to spend time, boosting business for our local economy and giving our residents a sense of pride in their borough.

The improvements included:

  • A cycle route from Cavendish Road to Station Road
  • A cycle route from Hatch Lane to Chingford Station
  • Pavement widening, relocation of bus stops and double yellow lines to improve safety on Kings Head Hill.

Consultation and engagement

A perception survey was carried out as part of the early engagement for the scheme between 6 April and 27 April 2016. This survey aimed to gather peoples’ views on how they felt about the area and why they felt this way. 

The perception survey results, along with feedback from local councillors and historical local issues, were used to create initial concept designs. 

You can view the perception survey leaflet and survey results in the useful documents section below.

In May and June 2016, a concept design was presented at three workshops within the scheme area. These workshops presented the opportunity for residents to provide feedback and suggest ways to develop the designs. A total of 137 people attended the workshops. 

We invited people to comment on the new designs during the public consultation, which ran from 5 September to 3 October 2016. Consultation activities included an online survey, hard copy versions of the survey available for pick up, meetings with key stakeholders, and three public drop-in events attended by more than 500 people. Activities were advertised via social media, on-street signs, and flyers. We received feedback from 1,194 respondents during the consultation period.  

The feedback was used to update the plans to ensure they would meet the needs of the community. 

As a result of the feedback received:

  • We did not implement the proposed parking restrictions in Endlebury Road
  • We did not introduce yellow line restrictions on Kings Head Hill
  • We committed to investigate several measures including an additional zebra crossing and introducing double yellow line restrictions before and after bus stops on Kings Head Hill

More information on how the feedback was used in the documents below. 


In December 2016 the Chingford Town Centre scheme was approved by Waltham Forest to progress to the construction stage.

Construction of the scheme started in February 2017 and ended in June 2017.

Important dates

Perception survey6 April 2016 to 27 April 2016 
Public consultation 5 September 2016 to 3 October 2016
Construction February 2017 to June 2017


Enjoy Waltham Forest Team

Low Hall Depot,
Argall Avenue,
E10 7AS