Last updated: 2 April 2024

Next review: 2 April 2025

A photo of the interior of 35 Sutherland road, grey walls, some windows and metal looking piping.

Waltham Forest is continuing to be transformed and is experiencing unprecedented levels of economic growth. With this change we have seen significant increases in the number of jobs and businesses in the borough and thriving arts and creative industries that have contributed to our unique cultural identity. The Council is optimising the use of its assets with an emphasis on character, diversity and culture of the borough.

Sutherland Road’s identity is largely linked to its industrial heritage. It was an important manufacturing centre in the Upper Lea Valley and fueled Walthamstow’s past economic growth. The former general industrial area has now been regenerated to provide mixed-use developments, with over 600 new homes being completed since 2010. 

The Improvements

Inward investment from the Greater London Authority and the Council has helped to bring a former industrial building back into use as creative workspace. The Housing Zone project, is funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and contributions from the Council using local developer contributions. 

Building on the vision for the Blackhorse Lane Growth Area, the adaption works will help protect the site for long term creative workspace use and support the Council’s Blackhorse Lane Creative Enterprise Zone, Blackhorse Collective.  

The improvement works to 35 Sutherland Road include:

  • Condition based works to carry out repairs and replacement of roof 
  • Mechanical and Electrical services
  • Strip out building including asbestos removal 
  • Structural alterations including new internal staircase and reception works
  • Meeting the building regulation energy efficient standards


  • Works began in Summer 2022
  • Works to be completed in March 2024

Find out more about Blackhorse Collective