Last updated: 14 November 2023
Next review: 14 November 2024
Waltham Forest Pledge for Children in Care is a list of promises to children and young people we care for. These are the things that we will do so to give them the best support and help possible.
We developed the pledge with the help of the Children in Care Council. All the promises are based on things that young people have told us matter to them.
We promise to
Understand you as an individual
This means we will…
- Give social workers the time to make relationships with you
- Remember your birthday and other important dates to you
- Respect your personal beliefs, culture and heritage
- Give you the chance to meet and get to know other children in care and talk about your experiences
Help you become independent and achieve your ambitions
This means we will…
- Make sure you will have the things you need to help with your schoolwork
- Help you develop your skills and interests
- Celebrate your achievements and tell you when you’re doing really well
- Support you to become the person you want to be
- Ensure you have access to important documents when you need them
Keep you informed about what is happening
This means we will…
- Make sure you are part of the decisions and choices we make
- Make sure we tell you about the decisions we make and why we made them
- Tell you immediately if any important changes need to be made and why
- Support you to see your family
Help you feel safe and be safe
This means we will…
- Ensure there is always someone you can speak to about how safe you are feeling
- Always tell you when we are worried and think you are in an unsafe situation
- Provide you information to help you make confident decisions about your own safety
Find you somewhere suitable to live
This means we will…
- Ask you what’s important to you before finding you somewhere to live
- Explain the reasons why somewhere was chosen for you to live
- Do our best to find you somewhere to live near your friends and family
- Tell you where and who you are going to live with before you move there
Make sure you feel listened to and understood
This means we will…
- Make sure important meetings are accessible and you have a choice about how you take part
- Encourage you to get involved with the Voice & Influence Service activities and events
- Make sure you have access to those making decisions about you