The Children in Care Council (CiCC) is a group of children in care aged 12 to 17 who meet regularly to discuss important issues about the care system. They make sure the views of children and young people help to shape the way care services are run. The group also help us with a number of key influencing activities:

Recruitment of staff

The CiCC are regularly involved in recruiting new members of staff. Over the past few years this has included Child Protection Chairs, Independent Reviewing Officers and Social Workers.

Training of staff

The "In My Shoes" training is a half-day session for social workers and other professionals. The aim is to give them an insight into what it's like to be a young person growing up in care. It's led by members of the CiCC with limited involvement from the Voice and Influence Service. The training gives participants a chance to be trained by the young people they work with.

Membership of scrutiny boards

In representing the voice of care experienced young people, the CiCC and CCG are members of the Corporate Parenting Board. Working with elected members and other senior managers the CiCC and CCG provide vital insights and contributions to the board.

Creating resources for young people and adults

The CICC is often involved in making tools such as videos for young people and the adults they work with. Here are some examples of videos that the CICC were involved in making.

Coming into Care

What’s Important to Young People in Care

Trips and days out

The group also take part in fun activities as well as their influencing work. Over the past few years, trips have included: go karting, Thorpe Park, high-ropes, cinema trips, meals out etc.

And as a little extra incentive…

We incentivise CICC's direct influencing work with vouchers payments.

Interesting in joining the CICC?

If you’re interested in joining, you or your carer should phone or email David Reece.

David Reece

If you don’t want to join the CICC we'll still be in touch. We send out questionnaires to all children so that they can tell us what they think about being in care. Watch out for these, as you can earn vouchers for completing them. Your input also helps to influence the service you receive.

In addition, we'll send you information about our upcoming events so you can get involved if you want to.