What is a parent/carer support programme

Parent/carer support programmes are designed to give parents and carers an opportunity to:

  • meet other parents
  • share ideas and challenges about being a parent
  • increase knowledge and understanding of children’s development and needs
  • build positive relationships and improve behaviour and communication
  • make parenting and family life more enjoyable
  • increase confidence and parenting skills
  • help parents to feel more positive and reduce parenting stress
  • develop new skills with practical support

Types of programmes

Waltham Forest offers a wide range of parent/carer support programmes from two to 13 session courses, both online and in-person, for parents and carers who either live in Waltham Forest or have children attending Waltham Forest schools.

We offer the following courses across the borough:

Universal programmes:

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC)

For parents or carers with children aged from 3 to 18 years.

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) is an inclusive evidence-based parenting programme, designed to promote protective factors which are associated with good parenting and better outcomes for children. The programme helps parents and carers build a special relationship with their children based on unconditional love, giving their children the key skills, they will need as they grow to make ‘healthy and safe choices’. The programme focuses on developing healthy lifestyles, healthy families and healthy communities which are free from violence.

SFSC has enjoyed success with parents/carers from a number of backgrounds, including Black and minority ethnic parents, teenaged parents, parents with learning disabilities and parents from marginalised communities, including those with experience with drugs, alcohol or violence.

How is this delivered

Face to face 

Length of programme

13 sessions. Each session is 3 hours

Find out more about this programme through the 13 week SFSC information pack (PDF). 

How to refer:

Phone: 07586713368

Email: earlyhelpparenting@walthamforest.gov.uk

Triple P 0 to 12

Parents or carers with children up to 12 years old.

Parents/carers actively participate in a range of exercises to learn about the causes of child behaviour challenges, set specific goals, and use strategies to promote child development, manage challenging behaviour, and plan for high-risk situations.

Triple P 0 to 12 programme information pack (PDF).

How is this delivered

Face to face and online

Length of programme

5 sessions, each session is 2 hours. Plus 3 weeks of individual telephone consultations.

How to refer:

Phone: 07586713368

Email: earlyhelpparenting@walthamforest.gov.uk

Triple P Teen

Parents or carers with children from 11 to 18 years old.

Parents/carers may be interested in promoting their teenager’s development and potential or they may have concerns about their teenager’s behaviour. Parents/carers actively participate in a range of exercises to learn about the influences on adolescent behaviour, set specific goals, and use strategies to promote a teenager’s skills development, manage inappropriate behaviour, and teach emotional self-regulation.

Triple P Teen programme information pack (PDF).

How is this delivered


Length of programme

5 sessions, each session is 2 hours. Plus 3 weeks of individual telephone consultations.

How to refer:

Phone: 07586713368

Email: earlyhelpparenting@walthamforest.gov.uk

Being a Parent

A free course for parents of children aged 2 to 11 years old.

Run for parents, led by parents, supporting you to manage your’s and your child's feelings, communicate and interact positively with your child, use positive behaviour management strategies, and manage parental stress. 

How is this delivered

Face to face.

Length of programme

9 sessions. Each session is 2 hours long

How to refer:

Referrals from professionals and self-referrals from parents or carers are welcome. 

Phone: 07799913026 

Email: EPEC@walthamforest.gov.uk

Stronger Relationships programme 

Developed from the Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities, 'SFSC' parenting programme to help co-parents/carers: Recognise 'harmful parental conflict' Understand the effects of harmful conflict on children Work out their parenting values, particularly around their child's physical, educational, mental/emotional and spiritual needs Work out what stresses them and how they can best deal with these stresses See their co-parent's perspective Reduce harmful conflict by communicating clearly and respectfully and working things out or agreeing to disagree The group discussion half of the course (1 hour via Zoom) is offered in daytime and evening slots, so parents/carers are able to find a time that suits their schedules. The other half of the course is self study and can be accessed at any time. 

How to refer:

Email: gemma.akinade@walthamforest.gov.uk to refer a family or book your place

Mellow Bumps 

A free course for expectant parents with health and social care needs, delivered by the Lloyd Park Children’s Charity.

An antenatal parenting programme for parents to feel more relaxed during pregnancy, improve their wellbeing and start to build a relationship with their baby. Mothers to be must be between 20 to 30 weeks gestation at the start of the course.

How is this delivered?

Face to face and online.

Length of programme

7 sessions - each session is 2 hours long.

How to refer:

To refer to this programme or for more information Email: famillysupport@tlpcc.org.uk.

Preparation for Parenthood

Practical and evidence-based information to support families in pregnancy and to help give new babies a healthy start in life. The programme explores the following topics over 6 sessions: Wellbeing during pregnancy Planning for birth and afterwards Meeting your baby’s needs Life as a new or growing family 

How to refer

Email wfsupport@henry.org.uk to refer a family or book your place

Mellow Courses: 

An attachment and relationship based programme for parents/carers of children aged 1 to 3. Reflective and practical techniques are used to allow parents to address challenges. Separate groups for mothers and fathers. 

How to refer:

Book via Eventbrite 

Baby and Us

For parents/Carers of babies under 9 months 

To support you to understand your babies cues. Cope with challenges around feeding, sleep and crying. Interact positively with your baby and manage parental stress.

How to refer:

Phone: 07799913026

Email: EPEC@walthamforest.gov.uk

Triple P Babies: 

For parents of babies up to 1 year. Understand what you can do to promote your babies development, build a stronger bond and support their emotional and physical health. 

How to refer:

Book via Eventbrite

HENRY Healthy Families Group Programme

A free 8 week programme for families with children under 5 which helps you give your child the best possible start in life. Each week join an interactive group session with other local families to explore parenting confidence, emotional wellbeing, eating well as a family, physical activity for your little ones and family lifestyle habits. You'll receive a free HENRY toolkit which includes lots of helpful resources to use in your family. Bring along your little ones, a free creche is provided. 

How is this delivered?

Both face to face and Online

Length of Programme

8 weeks with either a 2 hour (face to face) or 1 hour (online) session each week.

How to refer:

Web: Families or practitioners complete the online referral form or contact our team on 0208 496 5223. Email wfsupport@henry.org.uk

Calm Parents, Calm Children

A free course for parents, run by the Waltham Forest Adult Learning Service.

You will learn how to: Identify triggers that lead to challenging behaviours, how to encourage calm behaviour in yourself and your child, how to manage the main sources of anger, how to use praise as a discipline method, how to set and keep boundaries, and the role of feelings in parenting

How is this delivered?

Face to face.

Length of programme

4 sessions. Each session is 2 hours long.

How to refer:

To enrol or for more information Email Cherie.cowan-smith@walthamforest.gov.uk or call 079 1877 1041.

BeeZee Families

A completely free, award-winning healthy lifestyles programme for 5 to 15 year olds and their families. Our fun-filled, family-focussed sessions are filled with exciting activities and practical healthy eating advice to help you feel great and live your best life! 

How is this delivered

Face to Face

Length of support:

16 Weekly sessions held in local Schools

Referral criteria:

At least one child aged between 5 to 15 years old and above their ideal weight based on the BMI centile chart

How to refer:

Web site: Award Winning Weight Loss Programmes | Behaviour change for good (beezeebodies.com) 

Phone: 03308 186308 

Email: hellowalthamforest@beezeebodies.co.uk

Families with children with SENDFamilies with children with SEND are welcome to attend any of the universal parent/carer support programmes, if you would prefer a more specialised programmes please see the options below

Connective Parenting sessions: 

For parents/carers of children and young people with SEND. 

Create a calmer family home with practical tips on how to increase connection, manage meltdowns and learn strategies for self care, increasing presence, prioritising and gestures.

How to refer:

email: earlyhelpparenting@walthamforest.gov.uk 

Phone: 07586713368

Triple P stepping stones

For parents or carers with children up to 12 years with a special educational need or disability.

The Triple P stepping stones programme (PDF) helps you manage challenging behaviour and developmental issues common in children with special educational needs or disability. Parents or carers actively participate in a range of exercises to learn about the causes of child behaviour challenges, setting specific goals, and using strategies to promote child development, manage challenging behaviour, and plan for high risk situations.

How is this delivered

Face to face

Length of programme

6 sessions, each session is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Plus 3 weeks of individual telephone consultations.

How to refer:

Phone: 07586713368

Email: earlyhelpparenting@walthamforest.gov.uk


A free course for parents of children aged 5 to 18 years old with an autistic spectrum condition

The programme is designed to:

  • increase understanding of autistic spectrum conditions
  • help to develop knowledge on how a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world and what drives their behaviour
  • provide practical strategies that can be used with children
  • give information on relevant ASC resources
  • provide opportunities to meet with other parents/carers/professionals who have had similar experiences and to gain support and learn from each other

How is this delivered?

Face to face.

Length of programme

6 sessions, plus an optional extra session. Each session is 3 hours long.

How to refer:

Referrals from professionals and self-referrals from parents or carers are welcome. Please email earlyhelpparenting@walthamforest.gov.uk.

Other support for Parents/Carers

Fathers’ Wellbeing Service: 

Being a father can be joyful and rewarding but it can also bring new emotions and can be challenging and stressful. The fathers’ wellbeing service offers free 1 to 1 or group therapy for expectant fathers or fathers of an under 2, living in Waltham Forest. Contact group coordinator Lilien Lucic: 0208 527 1737. Email: familysupport@tlpcc.org.uk.

HENRY Wellbeing Buddies Support

When families are finding family life tough, a HENRY buddy can provide a listening ear.  Providing regular 1 to 1 phone or video conversations, buddies will listen and provide families with the support they need as a parent or carer, offer practical ideas and signpost to services families can access. 

Examples of things a HENRY Buddy can help with include:

  • planning time for yourself and ways of reducing stress
  • how to make daily life at home enjoyable for you all and reduce arguments
  • fun ways of keeping active
  • how to reduce social isolation

How is this delivered:

Flexible 1 to 1 phone support.

Length of support:

Families typically are offered 6 phone calls at a frequency that suits them, typically weekly.

Referral criteria: to support expecting or new parents or carers, with a child up to the age of 2. 

How to refer:

Families or practitioners can complete the online referral form or contact our team directly on 0208 496 5223. Email wfsupport@henry.org.uk.

Waltham Forest Parent Forum: 

Supporting Families with SEND children. A friendly, voluntary group of parent/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 0 to 25 in Waltham Forest, offering a variety of training, workshops and sessions for both parents/carers and children. Web: www.walthamforestparentforum.com. 

Sleep Service and short breaks: 

1 to 1 support from sleep practitioners providing practical help to support families and professionals working with families who have a child with a sleep issue, specialising in sleep support for children with and without special needs. 

Sleep support can be requested as part of a short break. For eligibility, to find out more and apply for a short break you will need to complete a self-referral. 

Information and guidance on completing the form are available through Shortbreaks

 If you are currently being supported by a Social Worker, Early Help Practitioner, or SEND Officer you can ask them to make a professional referral as they will be completing an assessment with your family.

Break Tha Cycle's Parent Lounge:

Break Tha Cycle Parent Lounge is more than just an advocacy service. It's a comprehensive support system that helps parents navigate school meetings, appointments, and administrative processes. We assist with paperwork, provide additional resources, and offer ongoing aftercare support, ensuring that parents are never alone in their journey. We also provide a platform that offers a safe and secure space for parents to engage with each other and benefit from the experiences of a supportive community. Through the Parent Champion program, parents can enrol in training modules to become reliable support system for other parents in the community. 

Sessions held term time only on Tuesdays 1pm to 3pm from 26 March 2024 at the Queens Road Family Hub, E17 8PJ. 

All referral forms are available on the Break Tha Cycle website. Walk-ins are also accepted.

Parent and Baby Emotional Wellbeing (PBEW) Service

PBEW are a multi-disciplinary team of mental health nurses, health visitors, Early Help practitioners and a psychotherapist. The team delivers 1 to 1 support with parent-infant relationship difficulties using:

  • Video Interactive Guidance (ViG)
  • Triple P Baby
  • Emotional Wellbeing visits 
  • and psychological therapies including couples counselling and CBT. 

Support is offered through home visits, online or at Queens Road Family Hub depending on the client’s preferences.

Contact 020 3787 4334 or email thgpcg.walthamforestpbew@nhs.net